Hannah was
a great woman of God, and her son Samuel was a great man of God, but
even great men and women of God have blindspots, prejudices and selfish
motives sometimes. Samuel's sons were not great men of God, but that
didn't dissuade Samuel from appointing them as judges in Israel.
The Philistines had a king, as did the Moabites, the Amonites, the Amalekites, even Egypt [Pharoah], but not Israel. For
450 years Israel has been governed by court system of judges, and now,
when Samuel, who has judged Israel for many years gets old, he appoints
his corrupt sons as judges.
We are not told anything about Samuel's motive in this appointment. Maybe he really was, as many parents are, blind to the character flaws of his boys, or maybe he just looked the other way. What we do know is that it caused a terrible problem in Israel. You can imagine can't you? Corrupt judges who take bribes and pervert justice are a stench to honest God-fearing people. So the elders take the problem to Samuel.
So why do you think it displeased Samuel? Why did it upset him? I mean, we all hate corrupt judges right? Samuel loved Israel, surely he didn't want them to suffer at the hands of unjust judges? Actually, the next sentence tells us why Samuel was upset.
And the Lord said to Samuel, “Obey the voice of the people in all that they say to you, for they have not rejected you, but they have rejected me
You see, Samuel was upset because he felt rejected by Israel. HE was their prophet. HE was their judge. HE appointed his sons. It is the same mistake that Moses made when he struck the rock instead of speaking to it [Numbers 20]. He got his eyes on the wrong person. He took Israel's rejection/rebellion personally, and here God tells Samuel, "they have not rejected you, but they have rejected me". It really wasn't about Samuel, it was about God, but the rejection felt personal and Samuel made the mistake of thinking this was all about him.

Jesus told his disciples:
“If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. Remember the word that I said to you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you. If they kept my word, they will also keep yours. But all these things they will do to you on account of my name, because they do not know him who sent me.
Jesus was telling them a fundamental truth, and it was the same truth given to Samuel so many years before. "They have not rejected you, but they have rejected me".
By the title of this post, I mean that everyone responds to those around them for personal reasons. If I get angry about something you did, I'm likely to say "You made me angry" but that's really not true. You could have done the same thing to other people and they wouldn't have become angry. I get angry because of
what is going on inside me, not because of what you've done. I'm convinced the same thing is true about one's acceptance or rejection of Christ.
When people reject your mention of Christ, if you have not been offensive in your approach, they are rejecting Christ, not you. They are accepting or rejecting based on what is going on within them, not because of you. It's really all about them, how they respond to the gospel, which means it's not about you. [note: You must remember to not offend by the way you talk to them about Jesus. If you are rude and arrogant they may reject Christ because of your attitude"]
And when it comes to telling others the gospel of Jesus, it's all about you, not them. If you don't talk to them about Christ, that isn't because of them, it's because of you. The take away here is that I want you to quit thinking about yourself, and instead think about Jesus and those around you who need the gospel. So is there someone you've needed to talk to, but have been afraid of their rejection? Just remember Samuel!
Over the past days, this has actually been something God has been laying on my heart. He keeps bringing up situations where I am learning that my Christianity is all about Him; a simple truth I somehow seem to forget. This blog post really encouraged me to be unafraid of sharing my faith and also to be expecting God to work.
ReplyDeleteInteresting post..
ReplyDeleteDefinitely can relate to Samuel.
ReplyDeleteIts true when and if you decide to talk to someone about God is up about you. After you talk to them it isn't about you anymore. The rest is about God. Ultimately it is not you who saves someone its God. Its all about God. God uses you.
ReplyDeleteI haven't really thought about this it was interesting
ReplyDeleteThis was very encouraging
ReplyDeletei really enjoyed reading this post
ReplyDeleteI've never really though about how self focused I can be when sharing the gospel or even helping others. Iv'e learned that I don't need to feel bad if they reject me. This was a great reminder to just focus and really grasp the purpose and reason why I, Rachel Rolfe, exist. I exist to share the great news and love of Christ with other people because I love them. Even if that means they will hate me, reject me, and persecute me. It's my job, no matter what. If I truly love Jesus, I will introduce Him to the people around me, showing how amazing of a person He is!
ReplyDeleteThis has been something that I've recently been learning and thinking about a lot. No matter what situation, it should always be about God. It doesn't matter who we are, it matters who GOD is. He is greater than we. He is the great I AM. It's why when Moses asked Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?" God didn't reply 'You are brae strong and amazing.' Instead he says "I am who I am," because it doesn't matter who we are when we have GOD.
ReplyDeleteWhen it comes to talking to someone about God it truly is completely up to you. but once you have talked to someone it is no longer about you but about God and his sovereign plan. It is not because of you that someone makes the decision it is God, You just plant the seeds.
ReplyDeleteThis is exactly what I needed to hear, I have a old family friend that lives in California who visits sometimes. I was talking to my sisters about reaching out to her because she is a atheist/hippie. I wanted to try and give her a few things to think about but my sisters were like your gonna mess things up, it’s not your place, your not gonna get anywhere with her, and a few more. So I was really skeptical whether I should reach out to her. But in my opinion, somebody’s gotta try so why not me.