As I write, this is the view out my window. I'm on a flight back to Dallas, crossing the Rocky Mountains. I never cease to be amazed at what I can see from up here. I just spent two weeks working on the West Coast, primarily Washington State. I love driving through the mountains and seeing nature in a close up way, it's so refreshing and beautiful to actually be there, breathing the mountain air and feeling the cool of the forest. However, what I love just as much as the coast is the flight to/from Washington. For about 4 hours, you get a view of earth, mountains, plains, valleys, deserts, farm land, lakes, rivers, interstate highways and sky that would have boggled the mind of Benjamin Franklin.
Often when I take trips like this, I come home and my wife asks "What 'Revelation' did you have this time?". Now, she doesn't mean some miraculous communication from the spiritual realm, she means what perspective did I get, while I was away? You see, when I'm 'away from the fray', the chaotic madness that is a home with children, school, jobs, ball games, bible studies, homework, doctor visits and yards to mow, I am able to see my life like the view from an airplane. I can examine it from a distance. I can get the big picture. I can see the forest and not just the trees.
Do you ever make/take time to get a birds eye view of your life? Oh I know, you've got homework, Fortnite/PUBG/Minecraft, Friends, maybe a job and a never ending chore list, but it's really helpful to just step away from all the hubub of daily life occasionally, especially if you use that time for quiet reflection. If you actually look through the window of your solitude into your hectic life and think about it. Think deeply about it. Look at where you are and where you want to be. If you're like me, you may notice at times that the road you spend most of your time on doesn't go where you want to end up. If that's the case it's time for 're-routing'. [That's the type of revelation my wife is referring to.] As a wise man once said "When you choose the path, you choose the destination."
The beginning of the school year is a good time to consider what path you've been on and if it goes where you want to end up. For that reason, among others, one of your weekly assignments in your Bible Classes at GCA is to have a regular time of study,
prayer and journaling. The purpose is not to make you 'put in your time' or to make you 'show your work', or even to give me something to put in the grade book. The goal is for you to step away from your busyness and connect with God as you examine and review your life, your choices, your behavior and compare it to what God tells you he wants. Are you a godly man/woman, or are you primarily living selfishly? Do you spend your days with your mind centered on what you want, or what God wants? [or is your mind centered at all?] Are the tasks you do each day just stuff you gotta do to get through the day, or are they the way you are moving yourself and your life to the destination you want? The great value in this is being honest with yourself, God already knows.

The beginning of the school year is a good time to consider what path you've been on and if it goes where you want to end up. For that reason, among others, one of your weekly assignments in your Bible Classes at GCA is to have a regular time of study,

ReplyDeletebrian: hi
ReplyDeleteHi- Michael henry
ReplyDeleteHi Mr. McCorkle , great word!!!!! Yes I need to take a birds eye view on my life. I am looking at my destination to make sure i'm on the right path
ReplyDeleteGood stuff! I think everyone needs to take a break from what their doing and really analyze their life and the choices that are coming in the future!
ReplyDeleteThank you Mr. McCorkle for the great post. I am at a time in my life where my mind is a chaotic mess and this post helped me to see that I need to make a clear path. Thank you for the post!
ReplyDeleteThis post is really good and helpful. I just got back from a trip where I got my birds eye view of my life, but I wish I could've read this article years ago. This is something I think everyone needs to hear and I need to remember as I get back into chaotic lif
ReplyDeleteThat was just what I needed to hear today. Thank you Mr. McCorkle for that great post!
ReplyDeleteGreat Post!
ReplyDeleteHi! Great post!
ReplyDeleteThanks Mr. McCorkle! this is exactly what I needed. It is so important to stop every once in a while to look at your life and see what you need to change.
ReplyDeleteEnjoyed your story
ReplyDeleteThis is awesome Mr. McCorkle! It is so easy to get caught up in our busy lives that we can push God out of it. This is a great reminder to step back and redirect our path and keep our eyes fixed on Him.
ReplyDeleteGreat information.. I can totally apply this especially for senior year��
ReplyDeleteThank you so much Mr. McCorkle!! that is exactly what I needed to hear, especially now with going to a new school and all of the things that are changing in my life. It is always so amazing to step back and take a deep breath a remember who is in control which reminds me to focus on Gods overall plan for my life.
ReplyDeleteHi Mr. McCorkle, I learned that I need to focus on God more and I need to do more things for God and not myself.
ReplyDeleteAwesome message, Mr. McCorkle! Such a good reminder to put my life into perspective more and focus on God over the little things in life that occupy my mind. :)
ReplyDeleteGreat message, its so easy to get distracted when our number one priorty should be focusing on Christ.
ReplyDeleteGood afternoon Mr. McCorkle! my name didn't show up on my comment so this is what I said
ReplyDelete"Thank you so much Mr. McCorkle!! that is exactly what I needed to hear, especially now with going to a new school and all of the things that are changing in my life. It is always so amazing to step back and take a deep breath a remember who is in control which reminds me to focus on Gods overall plan for my life." I sent it at 12:56pm
Great post Mr. McCorkle!! I really needed to hear that!
ReplyDeleteMr.Mccorlke I learned that somtimes we need to step back and look at a different perspective.
Hey, Mr. McCorkle. Thanks for posting this. I definitely need to do this. Right now I have so much going on in my life right now between sports and family drama and everything else in life. This is amazing advice, especially the honest part. I have been really out of touch on the honest thing, at least, with myself. Thank you. -Rena Garlock
ReplyDeleteThat was really Great Mr McCorkle
ReplyDelete-Jacob Oganyan
Hi Mr. McCorkle, great blog and advice. Yes it is so easy to get caught up in the hub bub of life that you forget what's most important. I am really looking forward to taking your class this year.
ReplyDeleteHey Mr. McCorkle, I loved reading about your view of the world! I also loved the quote about that "when you choose a path, you choose a destination." Thank you
ReplyDeleteHi, thanks for writing this and I am exited to be in your class
ReplyDeleteHi, Mr.McCorkle this was really cool and eye opening i've never thought about looking at/down at my own life like this.
ReplyDeleteHi, I really liked the article!
ReplyDeleteI loved the article and look forward to being in your class this year!
ReplyDeleteHi Mr.McCorkle, I enjoyed the article and it showed me to not focus on worldly stuff but to focus on things of the Lord
ReplyDeleteHey Mr. McCorkle, this really made me take a step back and look at what I'm focusing on in life.
ReplyDeleteGood comment, however, I don't know who posted this. I want you to get credit, so you MUST log in with your gca email before you comment so I can give you credit for the comment. Read your homework carefully, it explains this.
DeleteHi Mr. McCorkle, I loved this article and I can really apply everything in it to my life right now. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteThank you for this inspiring article it applies to most things that is going on in life right now. ~Katelyn Sorey
ReplyDeleteHi Mr McCorkle
ReplyDeleteHey Jackson, what I really wanted was to know what you think about the blog post, not just say Hi.
Deletehi Mr McCorkle
ReplyDeleteHey Matthew, what I really wanted was to know what you think about the blog post, not just say Hi.
DeleteThis is very helpful. I like the blog.
ReplyDeleteIt made me think about how I spend me time.
ReplyDeletehi!! this blog is fantastic!
ReplyDeleteAppreciate the comment, however, I don't know who posted this. I want you to get credit, so you MUST log in with your gca email before you comment so I can give you credit for the comment. Read your homework carefully, it explains this.
DeleteThis is just what I needed to hear today. Thank you Mr. McCorkle.. -Abigail Rowell
ReplyDeleteThat was really nice and I completely agree.
ReplyDeleteHi, great post
ReplyDeleteHey Shelby, what I really wanted was to know what you think about the blog post, not just say Hi.
DeleteHi Mr. McCorkle, this was a great post. The thing that stuck out to me most was seeing things from a different perspective.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the post, Mr. McCorkle! I enjoyed reading it as we begin this school year.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the post, Mr. McCorkle! I enjoyed reading this at the beginning of the school year.
ReplyDelete-Hannah K
sorry i forgote to do this but that was great. I need to look back a think about my life
ReplyDeleteAppreciate the comment, however, I don't know who posted this. I want you to get credit, so you MUST log in with your gca email before you comment so I can give you credit for the comment. Read your homework carefully, it explains this.
Deletehello sorry this is late(:
ReplyDeletejonathan kramer
DeleteHello Jonathan, what I really wanted was to know what you think about the blog post, not just say Hi.
DeleteSometime we need to step back and realize that God is more important than everything!
ReplyDeletei looked up the quote and glenn beck said "when you choose a path you choose a destination" good blog btw
ReplyDeleteThanks for looking it up, I am sure Mr. Beck said it, maybe in the exact form I use in the blog, but that's a quote I've known most of my life, since way before there was a Glen Beck show [I'm 58]. It is probably a common piece of wisdom [a proverb] passed down from generation to generation.
ReplyDeleteAbby says hi
ReplyDeleteHello Abby, what I really wanted was to know what you think about the blog post, not just say Hi.
ReplyDeleteHello 'unknown', what I really wanted was to know what you think about the blog post, not just say Hi.
Deletethis is Jacob Rhine
ReplyDeleteHello Jacob, what I really wanted was to know what you think about the blog post, not just say who you are.
DeleteWhen I think of a birds eye view in perspective I almost think of a mosaic picture (A picture made up of many smaller pictures). When you zoom in, you can only focus on 1 picture. If you zoom out you can see the entire image out of all the pictures and becomes something completely new and different. Sometimes when we may think we understand God and his creation, there still may be so much left to be discovered.
ReplyDeleteI hadn't thought of it that way, but it is always good to take a step back and remember God is in control. McKenna Johnson
ReplyDeleteHey. This was touching because I have never had a teacher that the assignment, journaling and talking with God, wasn't for the grade. I think I'm going to like this class.
ReplyDeleteThis was really helpful in my daily life, this blog reminded me to sometimes take a step back and remember God is always in control, and I can ask God for help whenever needed.
ReplyDeleteThank you for such a good example. I'm excited for your class!
ReplyDeleteThis is from Violet Goldsberry
DeleteI am signed into my google account
but it's not showing it.
I liked how it said to take a step back and look at what God wants you to do with your life.
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed this blog post, Mr. McCorkle. It is a good reminder to always seek Gods will in our lives and not worry about the things of the world.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the blog post! It was very helpful and excited for your class.
ReplyDeleteI really liked your post!
ReplyDeleteI liked your post!
ReplyDeleteHello Mia, what I really wanted was to know what you think about the blog post, not just say Hi.
Deletei looked up the quote and Glenn Beck said"when you choose a path you choose a destination" good blog btw - Hadassah
ReplyDeleteThank you for reminding me how big the wonderful world God created is. It will always remind me to take time to look at my life at a Bird's Eye View. -Rebekka
ReplyDeleteWow, that was an inspirational blog. This really made me open my eyes to different perspectives, and the fact that I have never even thought of life this way makes me wonder. Thank you so much for this.
ReplyDeleteI think this post was about looking at the "big picture". There's so many things going on around us sometimes we need to take a step back and listen to God. This was a beautiful post, and I'm so glad I read it. -Mia Evans
ReplyDeleteI thought this was a really good blog. It makes me want to manage my time and make more time for God. (This is Luke Green by the way)
ReplyDeleteThis blog made me realize that we should look at life in a big picture worldview. And that we can make a path for ourselves but in the end God has a plan for us.
ReplyDeleteI really liked this blog because it helped me realize I should stop focusing on all these things I have to do and just take a step back and spend time with God.
ReplyDeleteThis is Kathryn by the way
DeleteMy favorite part was the beautiful pic of the mountains.
ReplyDelete-Annie Payne
I loved the beautiful pictures! It is also very good food for thought -Annie Payne
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed this article a lot, enspecially the goal of zooming out once in a while.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite part was when it wants us to stay focused on the things we are doing and stay focused on God. I also really like the (birds eye view part of life), I never would have thought how you can think of so many things in your life.-Cutter Reese
ReplyDeleteI liked the idea of having a refresh with god every once and a while-nat
ReplyDeleteMy favorite part of the article was the wonderful pictures and the realization that i need to take a step back from everyday life.
ReplyDeleteI liked the part about how we should step back sometimes and focus on God. -Leo
ReplyDeleteI really loved the pictures and how that we need to step back sometimes and take a look at what we are doing.
My favorite part was when you talked about living selfishly and it made me realize that I can be selfish sometimes
ReplyDelete-Madi G.
My favorite part was the pretty pictures and the reminder that life is crazy sometimes and we just need to focus on God and find his peace
ReplyDeleteMy favorite point in the blog was about the wild life you expressed and really appreciating gods creations.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite part was how you reminded me to focus more on God than myself. It's so easy to forget what's important when your days are so busy.
ReplyDeleteThis puts into great perspective that everyone needs that time to step back and look at your GPS, if your making the wrong turns in life just cause YOU think its faster rather then the planed route you will get lost. Everyone needs that time to look and say "hey am what i'm doing right? is this the path of God?" and like you said "when you chose your path you chose your destination."
ReplyDeleteAlso I don't think I am logged in so i'm Autumn Seymour 8th grade
This Grady Rulo 8th grad
ReplyDeleteI never really thought about looking at life that way. It makes me want to try to have a different perspective on things
hi its ben pierce , i agree that the road your on some times doesn't go where you want it to go
ReplyDeletethis is for the comment above me
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed how you said that when you choose a path you choose your destination.
ReplyDeleteMakes me want to fly on a plane and look out the window to see the world. Austin Black