Issuing The Truth International, Inc.
Where the Truth Gets Published
Where the Truth Gets Published
That sounds like something I'd be interested in, how about you? I mean really, isn't truth what we're interested in? Finally, as close as my computer, and the word 'Truth' is even in their name, couldn't be more simple! Wonder what truth they have for me?
"Eliminate Disease in 92 days"...I'm all in for that...Hmmm, "doctors are killing more people in the US than all diseases combined"...really? Now that's news, someone should warn Oprah about Dr. Oz...Must read on...wait, here is a real nugget, all the way down at the bottom of the page, in small, grayed out text, I find this sentence:
"Truth International assumes no responsibility for the use or misuse of this material."
Now be honest, does that surprise you? Me neither, and that's a shame.
Our society is so, completely full of the "Don't blame me" mentality. It's not new, or just Truth International Inc. Watch a little late night TV and you'll see the psychics who will "guide" you in your future, your love life, and your career choices for only $1.99 per minute. "For Entertainment Purposes Only."

So, does saying "Don't blame me" actually relieve me of blame? Well, of course not, it's just a legal maneuver to defend ourselves against frivolous lawsuits, right? Yes, in a litigious society like ours, people write disclaimers to protect themselves against lawsuits, but I'm more interested in the concept than Truth International Inc. We hear it from our kids, "he hit me first", "I didn't mean to"; from our spouses, "Yes I did, but You make me so mad"; from our politicians "the previous guy messed it up much worse than we knew, so there is no way I can keep my campaign promises...this term..."; and from ourselves too, eh? "They needed to be taken down a notch or two", "Any jerk who drives like that deserves it...", "you don't expect me to just sit there and take that?"
Disclaimers have been around almost as long as people. Remember Adam & Eve? God says "Eve did you eat the fruit I told you not to eat?" "Well Lord, here is what happened, that snake, he deceived me. He told me you were holding out on me and that I would be as wise as you are if I ate the fruit" [Read here: Don't blame me, it's not my fault, it's the snake's fault].

I submit to you that Christianity is the antithesis of disclaimers. I suggest that Christianity has nothing to do with how they treat you, what they did to you, what they said about you, what circumstances you were in, who else would've done the same thing, or who said it was okay. On the contrary, Christianity has everything to do with you.
Did you come from a dysfunctional family? Welcome to the human race. Were they unfair to you? I feel your pain. Now let's talk about you. Did you lie? Were you dishonest? Did you just put it in your pocket and walk out? Are you lazy? Are you irritable, rude, or just plain mean when you don't get your way? Did you cheat on your spouse? Did you just take it, knowing it wasn't yours? Was that you who gossiped at work about her? Just to give them a head's up? Oh yes, it is about you. It's all about you.
I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you...
Matthew 5:44
Quit blaming others. Take personal responsibility for your life and your behavior. It's not someone else's fault you do what you do. Oddly, there is tremendous freedom in just taking responsibility for yourself. Read David's 51st Psalm. Did you sin? Yes. Whose fault is it? Yours of course. No blaming, no excuses, no more disclaimers! Just a broken and contrite heart. That God will not despise.